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An Age Undreamed of (Part the first)

Back in April (where did those 3 months go?) I wrote a post regarding my youthful dreams of running a Campaign in Hyboria (see HERE) in the grand manner of Tony Bath. Although this seems unlikely, a few games in Hyboria are well within my abilities!
I'm currently tinkering with my Fantasy variant of the Portable Wargame so I ran a small game with them this morning. As is customary, the backstory to my game is probably more interesting than the game itself.

Background to the game 

A wandering tribe from Brythunia has strayed into the hill country in the North East of Corinthia. Citizen-Soldiers from the local town march out to stop the invaders crossing the hills and invading their valley. The action takes place near the ruined Temple to the Fireflies, and a goat farm belonging to a man called Hook (apparently an old seafaring man...)


This scenario is better suited to a bigger playing area and more mobile forces I think. Suffice it to say, when the two armies met, a static meat grinder ensued as both armies tried to break a hole in the others ranks..

Corinthians' advance
Brythunian tribesmen (courtesy of Sprinks)

The Brythunians are initially held back by a hail of arrows

but not for long

The slaying continued until Turn 7 when both sides reached Exhaustion Point

The Corinthian left flank almost destroyed by Brythunian axes

The battle ended with two battered, exhausted armies leaning on each other! The Corinthians had stopped the invaders but only just. They'll probably be back. I finish with an excerpt from The Nemedian Chronicles (copyright R E Howard estate)

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