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Pizza Hunt Tuscani Pizza (4 cheese Lasagna)

   The front entrance of Pizza Hut at Robinson Place Manila really getting the Holiday season.

       The kitchen of Pizza Hut which you surely know that the pizza you're eating is make fresh hot from the oven.  The inside sitting of Pizza Hut (below)

     Our order of the new Pizza Hut Tuscani 4 Cheese Pizza Lasagna. Even if these flavor is not included in the promo I just hope that my blog can at least give me something that I try to include their other Pizza Tuscani flavor.

      My son enjoying his Tuscani 4 Cheese Pizza Lasana. Really delicious and really taste like Lasagna.

     This is my share of the Pizza Hut Tuscani 4 cheese Pizza Lasagna. Look closely and you will see a heart shape Pizza. Actually when I took this picture I just got my share of the Pizza and immediately took a picture of it, upon uploading I just notice that it has a heart shape, Maybe so that the people at Pizza hut would have a heart and consider my choice of pizza

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