Last time, I mentioned that Granddaughter #2 had just graduated from the University of Montana. Well, two week later, Grandson #1 graduated from the University of Texas, San Antonio (UTSA). And, although, San Antonio is only a few hours drive from here, I didn’t get to attend. Again, graduates were able to have only two guests but I did get to watch it on the computer.
He graduated a year early with a BA in History, specifically Medieval History. And, once again – I swear just a couple two (okay, okay, maybe 3 or 4) years ago he looked like this –
Sigh . . . . . do you think I may be getting old? Hmmmmm – nope – just have extraordinary grandchildren!
This past Saturday, I went out to Boling (a tiny town just south of Wharton) to Bobby’s house. He’ll be moving soon and had decided to have a garage sale. There were not a lot of customers, however each bought an armload of stuff so, all-in-all, it was successful. While there I look a few pictures of some of his blooming cacti.
This is a hybrid, parents being Yucca pallida and Yucca constricta. Ooopsie – I didn’t get a picture of the plant parts. (FYI - I took pictures of the flowering parts and googled the plant parts.)
Amazing how pretty spiny things can be.
And, finally Weather. Ugh. We are having weather! Last Sunday it started raining and, oh goodie, rained all day.
Monday a huge, very scary looking storm blew in, and it started seriously raining again. Ellen and I were in El Campo when we were advised on the approaching storm and raced it back to Wharton. (I hate to drive on Hwy 59 in big wind AND blinding rain.) We did miss yoga but got back before the worst of the storm hit.
Yesterday it was supposed to not rain. HA! Thunder and lightening started in the early evening and it poured rain, along with the T and L all night long.
And, today we have an 86% chance of rain in the morning (yes, been raining off and on all morning). A 93% chance of rain in the afternoon (oh joy) and a 57% chance of rain tonight. PLUS – as an extra added bonus – there’s wind – 25-30 mph.
As of this morning early and LCRA (Lower Colorado River Authority), we’ve had about 3 inches of rain in the last 24 hours.
but all is not too bad – just very, very wet.
Well – y’all have a good day. Stay dry or whatever works where you are.
19 May 2021
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