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Goudey Short Prints (Clap Clap, Clap Clap Clap)

In no time at all, my playoff baseball fever will begin to set in. I hate the years (READ: almost all of them) when the Brewers are nowhere near a playoff race, but while my baseball watching goes dormant in August and September it does eventually come back to life for October. And I've even latched onto the Twins fleeting hopes of a playoff birth. But annnnnnnnnnnnyway, that's not why I'm posting this morning/afternoon.

I'm back to solicit the world for more help finding the various short prints I need from 201-300 in the 2009 Goudey set. I really only have a handful.

I've gotten a few of these in trade from the good people out there, and I'd like to trade for more. I'll update my need list for the Heads-up and Sports Royalty cards sometime tonight or tomorrow, but in the meantime feel free to point me to your trade lists or leave a comment with what you know you have for trade.

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