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A Thrifted Thanksgiving Table. . .

Hello my friends, I don’t know about you but I am just tickled pink today.

I just love it when I find something at a thrift shop and then when I go to use it realize that I have something that goes so well with it.

That’s the case with this Thanksgiving table.

Tuesday after quilt guild my friend, Amanda and I decided to hit our local thrift shop.  There in the collectors case was a set of these beauties.


Four plates and four saucers for $10.  This is our off year for Thanksgiving.  You know, the year that all of the kids go to their inlaws home.  We might end up with a few, but not sure as of now.


I decided to add them to my Thanksgiving tablescape.  That’s when I remembered that I had these beauties.  Fruit motif cups by Avon, called “Sweet Country Harvest”.  They were a thrift find last year.


I could not believe how well the design and colors went together.
Oh, and the napkins were a thrift find as well.  New in the package.  Love how they bring out the touches of blue!


The plates say Westwood, hand painted; Fine Quality, Japan.
Good gravy, do we have enough gravy boats?  Need lots for the big day. lol!  $8 for all three.  I’ve added another thrift bowl, Nasco “Mountain Woodland” and a pie bird to the top of my French mug rack.


I told a lot about my table décor here with more thrift finds.  So I am just quickly going to show a few photos.



I think that mashed potatoes in this bowl might be just the thing come Thanksgiving!


Oh yum!  I can taste it right now and my thoughts have turned to the smell of turkey baking in the oven.  Nothing quite like it!!


Happy Thrifting and Happy Thanksgiving!



I will be sharing with these lovely parties:
Thoughts from Alice for Sundays at Home
Make it Monday

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