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How was your weekend?

Mine was restful, very restful. I sat around nursing my sprained ankle doing everything I love. Today I will be finishing the pink shawl, definitely. I had a lovely afternoon yesterday listening to the birds all day long. Even Holly ventured into the 'dog' zone to listen to the bird fuss.  

We have a bird's nest on one of the outdoor lights - I have yet to identify the bird - it keeps flying away!

No official news on my ankle Xray results but since the swelling is going down and I can put some weight on it I'm hopeful I'll receive good news from the doctor.  My husband says I need a rubber suit, I wholeheartedly agree - I need all the protection I can get.

The Great Declutter project has been put on hold. Maybe tomorrow we will start back up again? I'm limited in what I can do (which is a lovely excuse to not do anything...).

I started a few new books. The first is The Word is Murder by Anthony Horowitz ( he wrote The Magpie Murders and it blew my mind). So far, I am thoroughly enjoying this one. My other book is Harry's Trees by Jon Cohen, this is my kindle-night-time-reading book and I like it so far.


Yesterday afternoon we sat outside and enjoyed the beautiful weather and snapped the photo below.  How was your weekend?

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