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Policy doesn't matter

The gay mayor has replaced the Fake Hispanic as the next Obama. The Democrat Party keeps trying on new hats as it seeks the best demographic to defeat the Orange Man. Maureen Callahan correctly predicted, "The media’s endless fawning over Pete Buttigieg won’t end well."

Where I disagree with her is on her statement about policy.

Her argument is the gay mayor is light on policy.

She wrote, "Meanwhile, Warren — no matter your politics, there’s no arguing she’s far more experienced and substantive than Buttigieg — announces the radical new policy of forgiving college loan debt and can’t draw eyeballs back her way."

As Leo Durocher never said, nice guys finish seventh; policy wonks finish eighth.

Ask Mike Dukakis how that works.

Earlier, Callahan wrote in her column, "This 37-year-old mayor of South Bend, Indiana, we are giddily informed, is checking all the right boxes: He served in the Navy and deployed to Afghanistan as an intelligence officer; he speaks seven languages; his father is an immigrant; he’s a Harvard grad and a Rhodes scholar; he plays piano; he has two rescue dogs; and — the piece de resistance — he’s a Christian gay man!"

Warren checks the boxes as a Fake Indian. She built her career on that. Now it gives her 1/1,024th of a chance to be president.

And it is all about checking the boxes for Democrats when they win.

Dukakis was a wonk.

Bill Clinton was new Southerner who redeemed Southern slavery and segregation by being a pragmatic liberal without being Jimmy Carter v2.0.

Al Gore was a wonk.

John Kerry was a Vietnam veteran but he sold out his fellow veterans which cost him in the end.

Obama was Will Smith.

Hillary was a woman but she was hated by other women which cost her in the end.

Policy is something a president farms out to guys like Stephen Miller. Warren may be playing to write the Democrat platform. Who knows? I don't care, do U?

A leader paints a big picture. He says we're moving the embassy to Jerusalem. Then he gives the ambassador a budget and tells him to find a suitable place. Oh and he has six months to make it happen.

Hillary as co-president never got Hillarycare off the ground because she was too involved in writing it. Her husband saw a catastrophe coming and did the minimum to try to stop it. It was a molehill not worth dying on.

Obama let the Senate handle it. Obamacare was a disaster but he saved himself from paying the price for failure by adding free birth control.

Columnist Callahan complained that the media is giving the gay mayor a free ride.

It gave a free ride to the Fake Hispanic.

It gave a free ride to the Fake Indian.

It will give a free ride to the one after the gay mayor.

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