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Judith Tarr Fiction, Michael Moorcock Audio, and More

It's starting to look like another great day of genre freebies. There's an SF story by Judith Tarr, another great issue of Beneath Ceaseless Skies (They are all great), and more cool stories from other sources. Added audio fiction including the conclusion of the Michael Moorcock story and two of the big "pods." And some flash fiction for you. More categories to come.

Today's illustration (so far at least) is from "The Ironroot Deception" in the serial fiction section.

@Daily Science Fiction: "Made of Cats" by Judith Tarr.
"It all started the day the aliens landed. (Doesn't it always?) We'd been getting the odd invasion--sometimes really odd--for about a hundred years by then. The ones that came up out of the ground and down from the sky and blasted people to powder and tried to marsiform the planet?"

@Beneath Ceaseless Skies:
"From the Spices of Sanandira, Pt. II" by Bradley P. Beaulieu.
"It was Jalaad, screaming into his ear. The call of the fyndrenna was so strong that a vision of Queen Rossanal’s beautiful face was all he could think of, but then a long, mournful wail filled the cool desert air, and the closeness of it allowed him to fend off the call of the spice."
"The Godslayer's Wife" by Therese Arkenberg.
"His sobs echo through the corridors of Datheiren Keep. The old stone absorbs its husky tone, the barely-voiced beginnings of words, apologies, curses; they reflect in only a sourceless, pitiable sound of misery."

@Port Iris: Issue #5 is now posted.
"The Breaking" by Loren Eaton.
"When Mistress Manyara shook me from sleep, dawn’s rays already slanted through the chinks in the orphanage’s block walls."
"Different Every Day" by Kyle McManus.
"He stood tall and proud in that dumb tomato-red suit, his golden, gleaming boots adding an extra three inches to his already impressive height."
"Intelligent Design" by Sharon K. Reamer and Rob Rowntree.
"Pierre Bragion shoved it into a higher dimensional pocket and drew a Schwarzschild-Bekenstein horizon around it. He thought he could divorce himself from his creations."

The June issue of The Edge of Propinquity is now posted with:
"Credencium - Buried" by Kaolin Fire
"Joshua, Spike, and John Doe try to do right by Phoenix, but the family's been broken. Time may heal them, but Joshua displaces his self into the city, running from it all. Still, gears are turning; his power has grown overnight, and stranger things are coming."
"Flotsam - Crusade" by Peter M. Ball.
"Keith Murphy isn't having a good time. His safe house is wrecked, his closest ally is pissed at him, and his home town is under a dark cloud of decidedly unnatural origin. Every day he wastes brings Ragnarok ever closer, and making the decisions that could stop the end of the world will end up costing Keith even more than he's already lost."
"Idolwood - Breathless" by Ivan Ewert.
"Following the failed attempt on Alex Pajari's life, the Hanged Man and Gamine regroup in their suburban hideaway, bringing comfort and reassurance to one another even as they bring desperation and pain. Alex, after a brief encounter with the police, finds Isaac Jordan in the Morgan Glen parking lot with his 'friend' Brandon. Explaining the situation as best he can, he brings Isaac away - even as Brandon encourages the younger boy to meet him in the preserve again come midnight, under the watchful eyes of the final fetch."
"The Ones Who Call - The Kohkum Knows Best" by Alina Pete
Kohkum Agnes has disappeared and the entire Sîpisis family has gathered to search for her. Meanwhile, the other residents of the valley have noticed strange lights above the lake. Is it Kohkum's doing, or is something more sinister going on?
"Seren Draig" by T. D. Edge
Arwen Jones has a secret, one that has been discovered by the government. Her power stolen by them, she has the choice to save humanity from its folly or to burn up with it. Either way, she dies—a rock and a hard place if there ever was one.

@The Absent Willow Review: The June issue is now posted.

Serial Fiction
@Paizo.com: "The Ironroot Deception Chapter Three: The Dog" by Robin D. Laws.
"The burly prisoner sees the flash of metal and releases Gad in a twitch of panic. Knuckles white on the hilt of Ethundel's dagger—stolen when he prompted Stokh to push him into the elf on the way into the excavation that morning—Gad neatly plunges it between the startled man's well-demarcated ribs. He jams it in deep. He twists, forcing Stokh to cry out in pain."

@Phillipine Genre Fiction: "The Confessional (Part 1)" by Cyan Abad-Jugo. Science Fiction.
"The President of the Republic walked in on him then, still musing over the fading traces of eye or ear or mouth, and possibly a vine just below one of the dome’s two huge cupola windows, both of which now rendered a holograph of an almost-midnight sky."

Classic SF
@Gutenberg: On the Trail of the Space Pirates by Carey Rockwell (1953).
A metallic voice rasped over the loud-speakers and echoed through the lofty marble and aluminum concourse of the New Chicago Monorail Terminal. "Atom City express on Track Seven! Space Academy first stop! Passengers for Space Academy will please take seats in the first six cars!"

@Book View Cafe: "Holiday Station" by Judith Tarr (1993), from Christmas Ghosts, ed. Mike Resnick and Martin H. Greenberg (DAW).
"If the Stationmaster hadn't got pregnant when he did... "
@Book View Cafe: "Willie" by Madeleine E. Robins, from The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (1992).

"Even a mad scientist has to take responsibility for the life he brings into the world..."

@Escape Pod: "Amaryllis" by Carrie Vaughn. Science Fiction.
"I never knew my mother, and I never understood why she did what she did. I ought to be grateful that she was crazy enough to cut out her implant so she could get pregnant. But it also meant she was crazy enough to hide the pregnancy until termination wasn’t an option, knowing the whole time that she’d never get to keep the baby. That she’d lose everything. That her household would lose everything because of her."

@Pseudopod: "I.C.U." by Tim Burke, read by Cayenne Chris Conroy.
"Sometimes Keith would wander into the visitors’ waiting room, just so he could see time passing. The window faced south and the room was filled with autumn dusk the color of dried egg yolk. The monitors beeped and the machine fixed to his father’s throat rasped."
@Beneath Ceaseless Skies: "The Nine-Tailed Cat" by Michael J. DeLuca. Fantasy.
from Issue #70 "The cat departs from the moonbeam, flicking its tails."
LinkSerial Audio
@StarShipSofa: "The Black Petals Pt 3" by Michael Moorcock.

Fan Audio
@Pendant Productions: Issue 34 of "Catwoman: Queen of Thieves"
@Pendant Productions: Issue 65 of "Batman: The Ace of Detectives"

@DailyScienceFiction: "W is for When" by Tim Pratt, Jenn Reese, Heather Shaw, and Greg van Eekhout.
@Daily Science Fiction: "Building a Future" by Rhonda Jordan.
@Strange Horizons: [poem] "Maelbrigte's Woman" by Anne Sheldon.
@Mindflights: [poems] "Visitors"and "Astral Dream" by Marge Simon.
@Absent Willow Review:[poetry] "Pandemic" by Pam Jessen. Horror.
@Absent Willow Review:[poetry] "Nightfall" by D L Myers. Horror.
@Flash Pulp: "The Haunted House on Willoughby Road" by J.R.D. Skinner, and read by Opopanax.
@ChiZine: [poetry]
@Every Day Fction:
"The Dark" by Phil Oddy. Horror.
"Far Past the Moon" by David Rees-Thomas. Science Fiction.
"A Gift From Over the Sea" by Jeff Chapman. Fantasy.

@Flashes in the Dark: [Horror]
"Trading Places" by Neil Leckman.
"Ghost Writer" by Lou Antonelli.
"David Brennan" by Lori Titus.
@365 tomorrows: [Science Fiction]
Hide and Seek by Steve Smith.
Abaddon by Michael Iverson.
Nose Plugs by Natalie J E Potts.
"If Epictetus Wrote Dear Abby" by Adam Graupe.
"A Portrait in Flesh" by Michael C. Thompson.
"Missed Connections" by Patrick D. Hume.
Via Flash Fiction Friday: [Sci-Fi]

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