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Iron My Shirt

I saw these ridiculous and offensive signs in New Hampshire (from TPM).

TPM Reader DB ...

Based on what I was feeling, there were two turning points for Clinton in the past week. One was a report that people were chanting "Iron my shirt" at her during a rally. The other was John Edwards' idiotic statements about Clinton tearing up at an event. Mix that in with the subtle media digs at Clinton's gender in recent months (descrptions of what she's wearing, how she "emasculates" men, etc.), and I think you had a tremendous push back from women, and men, who are tired of the misogyny underlying this campaign. It swayed me toward Clinton the past few days, even as I cheered for an Obama coronation.

Who in the world thought this was an acceptable form of discourse? I cannot fathom Edwards or Obama supporters, or Richardson for that matter. Huckabee, Romney, McCain, I can imagine. So what was that about? And if they were Republicans, could they be so subversive that they wanted to drive Hillary's support based on sympathy? Has Rove gotten in the race?

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