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Gooood Morning


It's a right coolish 27 degrees here outside the KD (Kudzu Grotto) hacienda. Grey and cloudy with a slight breeze.

I've had my Granola cereal and vitamins, anti-depressants and anti-prespirients , so I'm good to go somewhere. Just got no good idea of where that will be.

I still trying to get the GPS unit loaded with maps. Wouldn't you know it......I had to go back to wally-world and buy another program and a SD card. Another $150 and hopefully I now have everything I need........except for a good manual to follow. That's where they get you on electronics....all the extras you need. I still need that 5th grader to follow me around.

When I get it all figured out I'm going to the N GA mountains and try it out.....along with the metal dowsing contraption I made to see if I can locate some placer gold. At least it will get me out of the house and get a little much needed exercise. I'll probably need to get some grease zerks implanted in my knees so I can lube them up.

I see that Bill Clinton couldn't stay awake at a MLK remembrance in spite of the loud ranting about how the poor people of color are getting such a shitty deal in this country. Maybe if their heroes were George Washington Carver or Bill Cosby instead of P Diddy or other hip hop thugs they might accomplish more.

Shrillary and Hussein are still Calling each other names. I can't seem to get enthused enough to care about this year's collection of candidates. My feelings run more along the lines that it's time to just hunker down and take care of ourselves and close family and friends and hope that better times will eventually come back........when we finally wake up........sorta like the Latvians did in the late 80's.

OK.........time to let the dalmation off her chain to run around the back year. She has a back corner she likes to do her business in and will likely be quivering in anticipation till she gets to run down there.

Stay warm or at least find some one to snuggle with.

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