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Don't be rude.

After a night of heavy rain, and dark skies this morning, it finally cleared. The sun actually lit up the studio for a very short time.
I was in cleaning mode, ah yes, it happens occasionally. I just tackled one room. I knew it would make me feel better if I did.
And I need to get started, I have three weaving weekends, back to back the end of this month. So the house needs to be cleaned.
Then I did a little weaving, and some sewing. Then more weaving.

Sydney has settled in. As a matter of fact, she is feeling much like a princess.
I saw her and Jinx touch noses, which is a very good sign.

My husband is a pretty good cook. I take full advantage of this. My days are usually pretty busy, but I do try to cook a couple of times a week. Tonight I made pork chops for him and my mother, but I am not eating much meat.
So.......I had to do a little experimenting.

This is onions, mushrooms, red and green peppers, and brussel sprouts.
And garlic, salt and pepper.
But something seemed to be missing.

That bag of leftover spagetti in the fridge was perfect. Chopped it up, threw in some fresh basil, and topped it with a little feta cheese.
DH just made a face.

But honestly, it was delish.

I am reclining on the sofa with my laptop. Eddie is asleep under the coffee table. DH is waiting for a baseball game to start. He doesn't fool me.
I was at the Y swimming at 6:30 this morning, and it has been a long day. The hot tub is calling to me.
It would be rude not to answer, don't ya' think???

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