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 This is sort-of an Italian rip-off of ALIEN except since it's Italian and has a fairly low-budget it takes place on Earth. The story is actually completely different  and the only things it takes from ALIEN is the big alien eggs, an alien monster of course and the gloriously gory chest-bursters except here you get about 20 more people exploding from within than you do in the original movie. Having only seen this on an old VHS as TOXIC SPAWN this was never really one of my faves but after watching the uncut CONTAMINATION print I gotta give this one credit for being pretty entertaining and fun for a rip-off movie. The movie starts out just like ZOMBIE with a ship pulling into a New York harbor and it even has ZOMBIE-star Ian McCulluch in a pretty cool action-hero role. Goblin throws some cool tunes in there and they don't skimp on the explodey gore. Worth a look for Italian gore aficionados. AKA ALIEN CONTAMINATION and CONTAMINATION: ALIEN ON EARTH
 There is another Italian rip-off from 1980 that I often mix-up with this one titled ALIEN 2: ON EARTH but from what I can recall that one was pretty awful.

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