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Night Of The Blood Beast

An astronaut crash lands and dies kind of and scientists I guess talk about it while I play Words With Friends in this yawn-inducing film. Don't laugh. I'm surprised I have friends, too. That's not important right now. I didn't mean to divert my attention to WWF, it just happened. I was eating a Stouffer's Mac and Cheese, and then I realized the astronaut who died is now up walking around like nothing happened but he isn't a zombie and that's unfortunate because it's still boring, and I played the word gratin for 13 points. That's a little coincidental; since gratins, Stouffer's, and this movie are all pretty cheezy. You really should get a better score than that. Apparently the astronaut somehow contracted a drawing of an alien blood cell for some reason that only slightly killed him and I played the word god for 8 points. Again, I should have gotten more points than that. I now have no vowels, and a giant hamster-like creature attacks, and there's some pretty cool spooky organ, and I played the word par for 6 points. I'm not very good at this game, and there's a bit of fluff at the top of the frame of the film and it's very distracting and I just played the word weep for 10 points. Man, I'm lousy at this game and so is this movie. Now the cast is in the desert, and I wonder why the script always demands shooting in the desert in terrible movies from the fifties and sixties. I guess it was cheaper, and I played the word qi for 11 points. I'm not sure that's a word, and I'm not sure this is even a movie. Anyway, I only sort of watched Night Of The Blood Beast on Youtube. Here's a trailer:

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