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Indiana utility office disapproves of Duke Energy’s request to charge customers more

Source: cbs4indy.com - Thursday, November 07, 2019
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. — Testimony from Duke Energy’s rate increase case is starting to come out, and a lot of organizations disapprove of it. Indiana’s Office of Utility Consumer Counselor Bill Fine has come out and said regulators should deny Duke Energy’s request to charge customers as much as $23 more per month and instead roll back the company’s current charges by an average of almost $8 a month. “It’s not surprising there are adversarial positions, and there will be more testimony filed,” Duke Energy Spokeswoman Angeline Protogere said. Duke Energy is requesting $400 million more annually. The utility company filed the request with the Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission in July. Protogere says the rate request is driven by three factors. The first is that Duke Energy says its customer base has grown, so it needs additional funds to help cover the infrastructure. Citizens Action Coalition disagrees. “To say we added 100,000 customers therefore we need to increase rates is a false argument in our mind because with new customers comes new revenue,” Citizens Action Coalition Executive Director Kerwin Olson said. The utility company says it also needs a more reliable and resilient grid. “What they failed to mention to the public is they already have an approved grid moderation plan for $1.4 billion, which was approved by the regulatory commission back in 2016,” Olson said. Protogere says Duke has been using that money, but it
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